Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Minimalist Mom

     My biggest dream and goal in life, even as a  young girl dressing up dolls, was to be a mom. Not just a mom, I wanted to be the best mom I could possibly be! Lucky me, my chance at motherhood arrived 9 months ago as I held my sweet baby boy in my arms for the first time.
     Even before having Ashton, my husband Ryan and I always daydreamed about what it will be like having a children and discussed the kind of life we want to provide for them. After finding out we were having a boy, we both knew we wanted him to be adventurous and creative! We want him to run around outside riding his bike or collecting bugs! Ryan and I had great childhood experiences and in many ways, we want share some of the same experiences with Ashton. It seems too many kids these days stay inside too much playing video games or watching tv with nothing to stimulate or encourage creativity! Hek, it's not uncommon for second graders to have cell phone these days! What?! That's crazy to me! But that's for another day...
     Back to our son, most importantly, I want Ashton to know his mom and dad love him and are always here for him. Spending quality time with Ashton is more important to me than watching "Dancing with the Stars" or pinning recipes on Pinterest. I'm guilty of being a distracted mother at times and I don't want it to become a habit. I want to be the best wife and mom I can be, and to do so, I need to get rid of anything that may distract me. It's time to simplify my life and get rid of things that clutter my time and my home. In this journey to minimalism, I pray and know it will make my husband and I a stronger couple, stronger parents, better Christians, and a closer family.

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