Sunday, March 31, 2013

It Begins!

Tomorrow, it truly begins! My wife has been pitching things since the first day we posted, but I haven't been home long enough to start. Tomorrow I have the day off work, a truck for hauling to the dump(things that can't be donated elsewhere), and a lot of motivation! My wife is out of town, and I hope to shock her with the difference in our home when she comes back. The closer I get to finally taking that step, the more excited I become. I'm hoping that this will not only be a material or aesthetic change around our home, but a change to my emotional state as well. I hope this will be the first step in being free of the burden of wanting the next best thing, and struggling to keep up with what society deems important. Anyway, this is going to be a short post but tomorrow I hope to share my emotions with you as I go through my house and get rid of items. I know it won't be easy, but I'm excited for the process and can only hope that it will be as cathartic as I believe it will be! Check back tomorrow for more details!

Happy Easter!


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